

The World’s Most Robust

accessToolkit’s interface allows users to personally adjust your website’s design and UI to their individual needs or disability without affecting other site visitors.


How does the accessibility
interface  work

The interface is designed to address accessibility requirements relating to the UI, design, and readability of your website by enabling users to modify your site’s design to meet their individual needs.

Users can choose a disability profile like “Vision Impaired Profile” and simultaneously activate all relevant adjustments. Alternatively, or in addition to the profiles, users can enable singular adjustments like increasing font sizes, change color contrasts, stop animations, and more.


Key interface features

The interface offers many additional adjustments for a truly comprehensive accessibility experience for your users

Stop Animations
For Epilepsy

Instantly freeze all animations, gifs, and flashing images

Contrast Setting
For Vision Impairments

Enhance the content’s foreground and background color contrasts

Reading Mode
For Cognitive Disorders

Puts a webpage in a text only, reading-focused mode

Quick Navigation
For Motor Impairments

Enables users to reach any page with a single keyboard selection


Accessibility Profiles – creating a
tailor-made  accessible experience

The Accessibility Profiles bundle together common accessibility combinations that address the characteristics of a specific disability. All the user has to do is choose the right one for them.

A readable experience

Content Adjustments

This section enables users to adjust how your site’s content is displayed, making it as readable as possible to someone with a particular disability. Users with vision impairments, like blurred vision or aging sight, utilize these adjustments to customize your website’s content to their specific needs.

A visually pleasing experience

Display Adjustments

This section adjusts colors and contrast. People with various degrees of color blindness or visual impairments may not see your content well enough, while light-sensitive users may not be able to surf websites with white backgrounds.

Section adjustments: High Contrast, High Saturation, Low Saturation, Dark Contrast, Light Contrast, Monochrome, Text Colorization, Title Colorization, and Background Colorization.

For easy orientation

Orientation Adjustments

This interface section offers adjustments designed to enable people with vision impairments, cognitive disabilities, or motor impairments to better orient on your website. This is achieved by providing them with shortcuts and guiding elements and by reducing distractions and noise.

Section adjustments: Hide Images, Mute Sounds, Useful Links, ReadMode, Reading Guide, Reading Mask, Highlight Focus, Highlight Hover, Big White Cursor, and Big Black Cursor.

Online dictionary

Our dictionary provides instant meaning for users with cognitive disabilities who may find it hard to comprehend certain phrases, language, or slang

12 built-in languages

accessToolkit powers the accessibility of websites all over the world, across many different legislations and regulations, and in 12 languages.

The complete accessibility suite

accessToolkit  adjustments list

accessToolkit provides dozens, if not hundreds, of adjustments that are designed to achieve and go beyond WCAG 2.1 AA compliance

Full accessibility of hidden elements

ALT tag creation using image recognition technology

Full adjustment to screen readers, including role building

Forms accessibility, including label matching and error handling

Full adjustment to keyboard navigation

Advanced keyboard navigation using letter shortcuts

Expression, slang, and phrases built-in dictionary

Built-in accessibility statement

Built-in accessible user guide

Adjust font sizes and content scaling

12 built-in languages in the interface

Dynamic content accessibility (Ajax, Angular, React, Vue...)

Built-in feedback form

Links and clickable element accessibility

Font replacement to more readable fonts

Virtual keyboard for motor impairments

Modify text spacing and alignments

Accessibility of titles and paragraphs

Quick skip to the main content and other areas

Quick navigation for those with motor impairments and blind users

Emphasis focuses on keyboard navigation or mouse hovering

Icon and buttons accessibility

Align content to the left, right, center, or justified

Accessibility of page and browser titles

Complete tables accessibility

Keyboard navigation, including dropdowns and popups

Change cursor to big black or big white

Control of interface size and position

Control over title, text, and background colors

Contrast alteration: lighten, darken, inverse, or grayscale

Display and emphasize image descriptions

Hide images and background images (distracting elements)

Animations halt, including GIFs, Videos, CSS, and more

Muted mode (for people with hearing devices)

Accessible printing mode